The point inflation rate has reached 1.8 percent in February
Thus, households in the country have spent on average 2.7 percent more than Bahman 2020 to buy a “set of identical goods and services.” This issue explicitly states that the pressure of inflation on people’s livelihoods is becoming more and more intense.
“In previous years, people ten years and older were in need of a job,” he said. In recent years, this age has been reduced to 15 years, and now those 15 years and older will be considered in need of employment. “As a result of this increase, the unemployment rate in official statistics will decrease.”
He added: “In the unemployment rate survey, people who work for one hour during the day are considered employed. . »
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“Certainly, officially announcing the unemployment of each person will not be a difficult and easy task,” Razzaqi said. Such a request only reveals that the government is seeking to show a low unemployment rate. At present, Iran’s population over the age of 10 is 66 million, of which 24 million are employed, according to official statistics. According to these statistics, about 40 million people are unemployed. “This is at a time when the government is announcing 12 million unemployed.”
The family economist also noted: “Of the 23 million people currently employed, 50% are engaged in service work and are not in the production category. Therefore, such statistics cannot be considered sufficient for the increase and independence of domestic production. Increasing employment at the community level can also help increase income. “In a day when the pressure of spending and inflation is high, the government can reduce this pressure and compensate for livelihoods by increasing employment.”
He reminded pars new : “The current inflation is different for each decile of the society and it is definitely more pronounced and more harmful in the weak strata. Sometimes inflation is high but there is hope that it will decrease. The destructive point of current inflation is its persistence and lack of a declining rate. Lack of government management in reducing inflation is the main pillar of the sustainability of this rate and the destructive impact on people’s livelihood. “Certainly, the persistence of inflation will be very harmful and will disrupt people’s livelihoods more than the current inflation.”
“Although the government’s revenue sources have been greatly reduced, the government’s desperation has had a devastating effect on people’s livelihoods,” he said. Inflation control is influenced by government management. If the government takes measures to control this rate and improve the livelihood of the people, we can hope for better conditions. “It will not be easy.”